Saturday, December 24, 2005

The Night Befoo Chreesmoos

'Twas the night befoo Chreesmoos, and lucky for us,
Jim took out the garbage before catching the bus.

Much caaaandy's been eatin, but much still remains
To deck our oxcart with peppermoo caaaandy canes,

And fill our stockings with chocolates and truffles,
And delicate confections with piping and ruffles.

All we little Bears were sugar-coma-ed to the max
And slept on the sofa rolled onto our backs,

Dreams of sugar plums danced in Blinky's head,
Wondering if he could get dark chocolate instead.

And what were sugar plums anyway? he wondered.
Something to try next time Jim's 'Merican 'Spress was plundered.

Then suddenly what appeared with a clash and a clatter
But a man in red on the fire escape ladder.

"Call 911, call 911," Stompy shouted in distress.
But the Bears' large paws could not just one key press.

Then the man in red called out, "I'm Santa, here to bring toys
To all Bears and rafs and kitties, to all girls and boys."

The Bears stopped dialing, and looked up in wonder,
Ready to consider their response was a blunder.

They invited Santa in, bade him take a seat,
Offered him caaaandy and caaaandy-like treats.

Santa's visit with the Bears was wondrous and dandy,
Then he left them with their deepest desire--lots and lots more caaaandy.

9 people left us caaaandy:

Blogger AngelaRae said...

Aw, Bears, that's lovely!

7:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonderful Poem, Bears! Have some caaaaaandy as a reward :-D


12:43 PM  
Blogger allison said...

Such very literate Bears. Glad to see you are keeping the spirit of Chreesmoos!

1:20 PM  
Blogger Laurie said...

Great poem, Bears! Merry Chreesmoos!

10:20 PM  
Blogger jenn said...

Bears! That was beaooootiful Literatoo!

Is poets. Love Jenn.

10:18 PM  
Blogger Manuel said...

Oooh, we needs a publishin house for oo ours look look literatoo! That were bootifoo!

1:28 PM  
Blogger Eileen said...

Aaaaawwww! Wonderful!

4:47 AM  
Blogger Liz Miller said...

Big hugs for the Bears!!

8:18 PM  
Blogger Dogeared said...

*pokes the bears*

You still there Bears, or has the Chreeesmooos caaaaaaandy given you all sugar comas?

Maybe I should get Jim to check on you :-)

Oh and I've just decided I'm going to dowhat you Bears/Jim has done with a "recently viewed movies/DVD" thing in your sidebar. Yup. Thanks for that, Bears/Jim!

5:06 AM  

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