Monday, January 23, 2006

Great Bear Migration of 2006

The Bears are in the process of moving to Canadia! When Jim flies back to Manhattoo, I'm going to stay in Canadia with Jenn, Leone, Spike the Cat, Chuck the Cat and all the Canadian Bears to help make preparations.

Jenn and Jim are going to get married this March in Costa Rica, home of Papito!

*much bouncing up and down of Bears, ecstatic bouncing up and down of Papito*

Papito will then accompany Jim down to Costa Rica, to visit his home and attend their wedding.

*bouncing at a whole new level for Bearkind of Papito*

Then Papito will be coming back to Canadia with Jenn.

After which, Jim and Jenn will work out the immigratoo stuff, so all the Bears can move up here with Jim to live with Jenn, Leone and the kitties!

*much clapping of paws of Bears*

Congratulatoos to Jenn and Jim, from all the Bears!

*many Bear hugs*

OK Kisses
Daphne Rose

9 people left us caaaandy:

Blogger Dogeared said...

Oh Bears! VERY exciting news! I'm bouncing for all of you! Congratulatoo to Jim and Jenn, and I wish I could be there!

[bear hugs] and [bear kisses]

4:37 PM  
Blogger allison said...

Yeah for (soon-to-be) Canadian Bears! You are lucky you don't have to do all the silly paperwork that Jim does in order to immigrate. *nods decisively*

6:37 PM  
Blogger Laurie said...

Wonderful news! Congratulations to Jim and Jenn, and to all you bears!


10:52 PM  
Blogger Melly said...

Yay the bears get to become Canadians! And Jim too! Yippie!

11:54 PM  
Blogger jenn said...

Oh Bears! How very very happy we will be together in Canadia! Kitties and Bears and Humoos, oh my!


12:07 AM  
Blogger Moofred said...

Oooh, I emigrateed once. Were very excitin, but not oo troomateec like for the Grr. Her had to be poke with sticks a lot befoo them would let her in!

Hopes yoo oo has a good emigratioo, an what Papitoo enjoys the weddeen.

8:41 AM  
Blogger AngelaRae said...

That's great news, Bears! Living in Canadia is great.

~Callie, Sabre and Nova

2:41 PM  
Blogger J S said...

Looking forward to hangin' with the bears! And, do you think Jim would teach me to speak American when he moves up? I've noticed he has a funny way of saying some words... like Callege.

Okay, see ya soon!

4:15 PM  
Blogger The Bears said...

Hi Cohen!

*much waving of Bears*

We're sure Jim would be glad to teach you. But we're not sure he speaks standard Americoo. He told us his accent was Upstate Apple-Knocker Twang.

*much laughing of Bears*

We hope you can teach all us Bears to speak Canadian. When you start talking and all.

*much clapping of paws and nodding of Bears*

OK Bye
Noel "Snowflake" Chompsky

4:24 PM  

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