Tuesday, June 13, 2006

A Yuppie's Naturoo Habitoo

Jim went shopping at Whole Foo todoo, and he heard the most yuppie announcemoo ever: "Our prosciutto maker is here today. If you want to try a sample, he's set up next to the sushi bar."

*much laughing of Bears*

The naturoo habitoo of flesh-n-blood bears is the wildernoo. The naturoo habitoo of Bears is a comfy sofa with a broadband internoo connection, Jim's 'Merican 'Spress Card and lots of caaaandy. And the naturoo habitoo of Jim is the sushi bar at Whole Foo!

*much nodding of Bears*

OK Bye

PS Jim came home with quartoo pound of prosciutto and a package of brown rice sushi. They see him coming a mile awoo.

4 people left us caaaandy:

Blogger allison said...

I must say, I wish I having dinner at Jim's tonight.

7:49 PM  
Blogger Manuel said...

We likes Whoo Foo too, becoo eet have an excelloo selectioo o organic yeaves!

10:31 AM  
Blogger jenn said...

Hee, in his natroo enviroomoont!

11:07 AM  
Blogger AngelaRae said...

Mmm. Sushi. I recently learned how to make sushi at home! It's a lot of fun, but takes a lot longer than just going and buying some.

3:01 PM  

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