Thursday, August 10, 2006

Clickoo Training, Part II: Kitties 2, Jim 0

Jim has now moved on to trying to clickoo train the kitties. First, Jim needed to give the clickoo meaning to the kitties, by clicking it and then giving them a treat, so they would build up that association. The kitties did seem to like that part of the training, and quite happiloo took treats as Jim handed them out.

Then Jim tried to teach them to follow a long wooden spoon, so he could lead them into new positions, over varioo obstacles, etc. He tried to do this by waiting until they touched or moved towards the spoon, and then clicking and giving them a treat, so that they would learn to follow the spoon aroo.

This is where the clickoo training started to break down. Whenevoo Jim held the spoon in front of Spike the Cat, Spike just stared intently past it at the kitty treats. If Jim tried to hold the spoon in front of Spike's face to encourage him to touch it, Spike walked over or aroo the spoon to get a better view of the kitty treats.

It didn't go much better with Chuck the Cat. Whenever Jim held the spoon up in front of Chuck, Chuck grabbed it with his paws, pulled it to him and bit it. Rather than go to the spoon, he prefered to bring the spoon to him.

In sum, so far the kitties have learned that Jim gives them kitty treats, that for some strange reason known only to him he likes to hold a long wooden spoon and clickoo while giving them kitty treats, and that he keeps a bag of the kitty treats in the drawer of the new sideboard in the dining room. The kitties now like to sit on the sideboard and look at the drawer.

So far, Jim has learned that you can't clickoo train kitties any more than Bears.

OK Bye
Spike the Bear

6 people left us caaaandy:

Blogger AngelaRae said...

This is the best laugh I have had all week. Keep up the good work Jim!

*giggle, snort*

2:29 PM  
Blogger ickUl said...

Would eet elp if Mr. Jim sang the Butter Moo theme too? "We's off to Butter Moo, we follows Mr. Spoo, Butter Moooo-ooo, Butter Mooo-oooo!"

Ooso, in comments, yoos got spam but no eggs bacon beans spam or spam. What am goin on?


3:47 PM  
Blogger The Bears said...

ickUl said: "Ooso, in comments, yoos got spam but no eggs bacon beans spam or spam. What am goin on?"

We got rid of the spam but no eggs bacon beans spam or spam comment.

Spam am stoopid, it is, it is.

*much nodding of Bears*

We will see if we can get Jim to sing song while training kitties. Mayboo we clickoo at him and then give him a pizza for incentoo every time he sing it.

*much laughing of Bears*

OK Bye
Spike the Bear

4:39 PM  
Blogger jenn said...

Oh dear. Yes, this has not gone quite as Jim would have liked. But it has made for some very funny emails sent to me while at work. And for that, I'm happy.

5:01 PM  
Blogger Liz Miller said...

Snorting water out my nose.

6:19 PM  
Blogger Simon said...

Whoops! Still, part one has been achieved. I call this "good".

12:57 PM  

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