Tuesday, December 19, 2006

We made Caaaandy Cookies

All of us Bears were watching The Food Network with Jim when we saw a recipoo for Caaaandy Cookies*. You take a mint caaaandy and wrap it in a cookie! It's the perfect food!

We made Jim run out and buy the ingredients, and then got down to baking.

Here's our newest Bear (who told us his name is Echo--everyone please welcome Echo to the Bear familoo!) getting the cookies ready to go in the oven.

The cookies just came out of the oven. Echo and I are frosting them.

Echo and me about to eat our Caaaandy Cookies.

OK Bye
Daphne Rose

* We changed the recipoo slightly becoo there wasn't any sugar cookie dough at the SupooMarkoo, and becoo we didn't want nuts. So we used a package with pre-made sheets of reguloo cookie dough, which alsoo came with frosting.

8 people left us caaaandy:

Blogger jenn said...

Oh Bears! And I can certainly attest to the yummy goodness of caaaandy cookies!

1:21 PM  
Blogger Manuel said...

NYOMMY! I bet yoo's got green oo ovoo yoos moos now!

1:56 PM  
Blogger AngelaRae said...

Hi Echo!

It looks like you had lots of fun.

2:12 PM  
Blogger allison said...

Hi Bears! And an especial Hi to Echo.

Speaking of cookies and polar bears: one of my co-workers made cookies in Bear shapes and frosted them white. I hope it's okay for me to eat one, because not only are they beautiful, but I suspect they are nearly as good as caaaandy!

7:34 PM  
Blogger Simon said...

Hello Echo! Have funs!

8:27 AM  
Blogger Yonners said...

Oh I miss the cookies already Bears! Maybe you can makes those caaaandy cookies again sometime! Miss you Bears!

12:17 AM  
Blogger Yonners said...

Sometime, we should make tuna caaaandy cookies. Tuna wrapped in salmon frosted with tuna. I like to sniff Echo, he smells like the great outside.

11:37 AM  
Blogger The Bears said...

"Speaking of cookies and polar bears: one of my co-workers made cookies in Bear shapes and frosted them white. I hope it's okay for me to eat one, because not only are they beautiful, but I suspect they are nearly as good as caaaandy!"

It's okay to eat Bears cookies, Allisoo. It likes humoos eating animal cookies.

*much discussion of Bears*

We mean it's like humoos eating gingerbread men.

OK Bye

11:43 PM  

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