Sunday, May 20, 2007

Thinking Blogger Award

We Bears were all very honored to be awarded the Thinking Blogger Award by the grr.

*much clapping of paws and taking of bows by Bears*

And we've given a lot of thought as to what bloggers we wanted to name as Thinking Bloggers, and decided we would use this opportunity to honor the work being done by Doctors Without Borders, and point readers to the blogs Canadians with Doctors Without Borders are keeping about the work they do.

So, our five Thinking Blogger Awards go to:

1) Made in Bangladesh
2) Suddenly...Sudan
3) Shauna in DRC
4) Lubumbashi Log
5) What a Wahalla

If you want to see a list of the blogs by Canadians with Doctors Without Borders, you can go to MSF Canada's Blog Home.

They're fascinating blogs, and Doctors Without Borders is an organization that's doing great work.

Also, if you're on Facebook, there's a new group you can join to help win money for Doctors Without Borders. It's called: "Help Doctors Without Borders Win $7,000 From 102.1 The Edge."

OK Bye
Noel "Snowflake" Chompsky and All the Bears

3 people left us caaaandy:

Blogger jenn said...

Hi Bears, What a nice idea that was for you to think of that organization.

Very thinking blogger of you!

7:36 PM  
Blogger Simon said...

I know them as Médécins Sans Frontières... I always have to pause when someone presents them as Doctors Without Borders!

And also well done!

4:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey bears,

thank you!!


9:11 AM  

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