Thursday, February 02, 2006

To All Our Bear Allies

We just wanted to let you know we've missed posting, and spending more time getting aroo to the blogs of all our friends and allies recently. But we've been very busy helping Jim with preparatoos for the wedding, the trip to Costa Rica, and the great Bear migration to Canadia.

Please forgive us if we don't get to spend as much time online over the next couple of months. We promise we'll post and stalk blogs whenever we can. And then we'll be back in full when things settle down.

*much nodding of Bears*

Many Bear hugs!

OK Bye
Stompy and All the Bears

3 people left us caaaandy:

Blogger Dogeared said...

Hugs Bears!


5:29 PM  
Blogger allison said...

Hi Bears! Good luck with all the preparations. We will wait impatiently for your return to the world of blogs and stalking.

4:38 PM  
Blogger J S said...

I understand completly Bears, sometimes I get so busy playing, I forget to eat. And sometimes I get so busy eating, I forget to play. And wedding plans seem like a very good thing to get wrapped up in.

1:39 AM  

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