Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Take to the streets, Bears and Bears Allies!

We just saw a very scaroo article in the New York Times.

With complaints about nuisance bears up significantly this year, New Jersey's Fish and Game Council voted unanimously on Tuesday to recommend that the state hold a bear hunt in December.

Our first thought was that we could all hide under the duvet in December, but Jim says they aren't going to hunt look look Bears, but flesh-n-blood Bears.

So now we are going to organize and be activists for our flesh-n-blood broo. Flesh-n-blood Bears are not a noosance. All they want to do is walk in the woods, and eat raw fish. Same as Jenn and Jim.

And even if flesh-n-blood Bears were a noosance at times, we think many humans are a noosance, but we don't recommend hunting them.

But a hunt is likely to provoke controversy, as it did two years ago in the first hunt in New Jersey in 33 years. Animal welfare groups tried unsuccessfully in the courts to block the hunt and then held protests as hunters went into the woods.

YAY! for animoo walfoo groups!

Last year, several hunting groups sued the state, contending that Mr. Campbell had overstepped his authority by blocking the hunt.

BOO! for huntoo groups! We don't get how they could soo so that they can shoot Bears. We knew the courts were there to keep violent people with guns off the streets. We didn't think it was by letting violent people with guns go shooting in the woods.

Mr. Campbell said then that a hunt was unnecessary and that the agency would rely on public awareness campaigns and contraceptive programs to control the bear population.

Yes! Set up proogrooms to teach flesh-n-blood Bears how dangeroo some humans are, so they stay awoo from them. And hand out lots of condoms to all those humans in New Jersey so there won't be so many of them causing the Bears all these problems.

Please join us in fighting the flesh-n-blood Bear hunt! We'll keep you posted as we learn more.

OK Solidaritoo

6 people left us caaaandy:

Blogger allison said...

Let's hope all that contraception results in fewer stoopid people who think bear hunting is a good idea!

7:16 PM  
Blogger Yonners said...

just tell me who to bite and I am there. stoopid yumans.

1:32 PM  
Blogger Yonners said...

Bears I sent you an email.

2:13 PM  
Blogger jenn said...

Hmmm, how do they get the bear to take her pill at the same time each day?

1:14 AM  
Blogger J S said...

Hi Bears

Love your blog. I'm all for anybody and anything that also loves *bouncy bouncy*. I hear Jim is coming to Canada to see Jenn, will any of the Bears come to visit too? I would like to meet you, and I'll try not to power puke on you (I emphasize the word try). But I think it would be really neat if one or two of you could make the trip, that way you can post on all that you see in Canada.

Oh, and I'll give you caaandy.

Okay, gotta run.


1:27 AM  
Blogger The Bears said...

Hi Cohen,

Maybe one of us Bears will be able to make the trip to Canadia with Jim. We'd like to eat caaaandy with you.

OK Bye

10:19 PM  

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