Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Blogging the Canadia Way

Hello everyone! This is Daphne Rose and Leone (assistant) in Canadia.

Things here have been quiet, well, except for the kitties. Spike is very mascooloo.

I'm getting to know the Canadia Bears much bettoo. The gang here is Lester, a very big dignifoo bear, Joe, a tiger, Mosiac, a poorploo dragon, and Rupi, a knitted Bear!

**waving of Canadia Bears**

Sometimes I help Jenn plan her trip to Costa Rica or help Leone study or knit. She prefers to knit and sometimes I have to really urge her to do her studies.

That's all that's happening in Canadia so far. I'm still observing the Canadia way of life. Apparently it involves planning weddings and talking on the phone.

**much nodding of Canadia Bears**

Oh, and to the Bears back home, I still have not found the Canadia 'Spress but I'll keep looking.

OK Kisses
Daphne Rose

6 people left us caaaandy:

Blogger Dogeared said...

Hee! Canadia 'spress [grin]

'lo Daphne Rose! [waves]

4:04 PM  
Blogger The Bears said...

Neyo Daphne Rose!

*much bouncing up and down of Bears*

We're glad you are having such a good time in Canadia, and being so much help for Jenn and Leone. We find Jim needs a lot of help here.

OK Bye
Stompy and All the Bears

5:11 PM  
Blogger allison said...

Oh, Daphne Rose, you won't find a Canadia 'spress card. What you will need is a Canadia Tire MasterCard. It will not only let you buy caaandy at Canadia Tire, you will actually earn special Canadia Tire money to buy more caaandy with it!

6:12 PM  
Blogger J S said...

Yes, I have observed my mum at various check out line-ups with my bum wipes and teething rings, look in her wallet, furrow her brow, sigh, slap down a MasterCoo, and fret, panic, and furrow her brow some more on the drive home. But thank goodness for MasterCoo or who knows what would happen! (I picture dad coming home to T-shirts torn up to little cloth bits).

11:44 PM  
Blogger AngelaRae said...

It's nice to meet you all Canadia bears!

Daphne Rose, keep up the good work. Our favourite part of wedding planning was chewing on the ribbon.

~Callie, Sabre and Nova

11:12 AM  
Blogger Simon said...

It's got to be there somewhere!

6:32 PM  

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