Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Chaoos in Canadia

Spike the Bear reporting with Daphnia Rose and Ollie in Canadia. We were up early this morning listening to CBC radioo and watching CTV because there was a ferry crash in BC!

*much gasping of bears*

Now that we are living in Canadia we take the news very seriousoo.

*much seriousoo nodding of bears*

Just after midnight the Queen of the North struck a rock near Gil Island and the Canadia coast guard and lots of local fisherman from Hartley Bay came to their rescue. It sunk by 2am! We watched the news all day because there are still two people missing, even though the RCMP (Canadia policemen) say they are on land! We are very glad that everyone made it off the ferry okay.

*much nodding of bears*

We were thinking of going to school with Leone but we are glad we stayed home because it seems like she had a lousy day. She came home and dropped frozoo vegetables over the floor, which made Spike really happy because he is a good kitty and eats his vegetables. We told her that she can cuddle with us tonight when she writes her paper.

*much approving of cuddling of bears*

We will keep you updated on the news of Canadia!

OK Bear hugs!


Daphnia Rose, Spike, Ollie, Spike the Cat, Chuck the Cat, and Leone.

2 people left us caaaandy:

Blogger Dogeared said...

Cor Blimey Bears!

I've got this funny mental image of Spike eating frozen peas now... [grin]

Go be cuddlesome Bears for Leone, and a Bear Hug from me to you Bears!

3:37 AM  
Blogger Julia said...

hi bears...

because i'm far away i heard about it right as it was happening (it's daytime here when it's nighttime there). i got a barfy feeling and all scared when i saw they headline of 'bc ferry sank' but felt all better when i heard everyone got on rubber boats that didn't sink.

it's scary when things happen and you're far away.

and spike should be careful, and not get peas stuck in his nose (like many humoo kids do)

5:52 AM  

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