Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Day One of the OJ Caaaandy Trial

This is Wolf "Stompy" Blitzoo reportoo from insoo the courtroo where the media-dubbed "Our Just (OJ) Caaaandy" Trial is scheduled to begin shortloo.

It looks like Judge "Spike" Ito is about to commoonce.

Judge "Spike" Ito: Hi Jim.

Marcia "Calliope" Clark: Objection! The judge isn't supposed to be friendly with the guilty.

Johnny "Blinky" Cochrane: Objection! He isn't guilty until proven so. If he hasn't been tried, he can't be fried!

Jim: Hi Spike.

Marcia "Calliope" Clark: Objection. The guilty is just supposed to plead, not talk to the judge.

Johnny "Blinky" Cochrane: Objection. Once again, he is not guilty until proven so. Until the court decides, the judgement rides.

This could prove to be a rather long trial.

OK Bye
Wolf "Stompy" Blitzoo

5 people left us caaaandy:

Blogger Simon said...

Oh, man. I hope Jim doesn't fry! That would be bad. Very bad!

5:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Bears don't fry Jim. Jenn would be left with a high-fat and crispy boyfriend.

*gets popcorn and sits in the gallery*


7:05 PM  
Blogger Jess said...

The main problem has less to do with any moral principal, and more to do with the fact that the Bears don't have a deep fryer big enough.

9:12 AM  
Blogger Yonners said...

Dear Blinky, due to your marvelous ability to make funny rhymes, Spike the Cat (aka kitty-biter-of-all-the-fine-arts) would like to commission a poem. He's willing to part with three of his favorite tinfoil toys and some caaaandy. However, he realizes some talent can't be bargained for like that, so he respects if you decline. He just wanted me to ask you about that.

1:14 PM  
Blogger The Bears said...

Hi Spike the Cat,

As you know, I'm very busy at the moment as attornoo for the defoonse on the OJ Caaaandy trial. I would love to write a poem for you. Howevoo, it might be a foo days before I can finish it.

You should keep your favorite tin-foil things. I wouldn't want to take your toys awoo from you. But I will accept Caaaandy in paymoo.

OK Bye

10:59 PM  

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