Thursday, October 20, 2005

Jim hired us as consultoo

In exchange for caaaandy, we're helping market his on-line literaroo journoo.

The site is Noneuclidean Cafe. The first issue will go online November 1, and will have articles on personoo groowth, and pooetry and short fiction, includoo a short story by bettie from the WD!

You can sign up to receive free notification when new issues are on-line by sending a blank email to

*much clamoring of Bears around Jim for agreed paymoo of caaaandy*

OK Bye

4 people left us caaaandy:

Blogger AngelaRae said...

OK this is just weird. I subscribed yesterday, but not from here (I was at the actual website).

Are you bears psychic?

9:12 AM  
Blogger The Bears said...

Hi Podgy!

*much waving of Bears*

Yes, we're psychoo!

*some discussion of Bears*

Uh, by psychoo, in humoo words we mean psychic, not psycho.

Plus Jim saw your subscriptoo, and thought maybe he should hire us so more of his friends would know aboo what he was doing, and they could subscribe, too.

OK Bye

10:25 AM  
Blogger Manuel said...

We is subscroo, throo the Grr. We not thinks we each needs a subscroo - am that right? Would oo end up in the same inboo anywoo. Could write an articoo on personoo groo, but thinks what the readershoo am moostly yuman? Probabloo not what Jim am look lookin foo. Would be about karmoo an reincarnatioo. (That karmoo the Hindoo concept not Karmoo the Grr's friend, though we does think what her am watchin ovoo us makin soo the bad guys gets what am comin to thems.)

12:17 PM  
Blogger The Bears said...

Neyo Manwoo!

Probabloo no need to subscroo for your own notice. The Grr probabloo tell you when it comes. If not, let us know, and we can sign you up.

Yeah, we think Jim has mostly humoo audience. He hasn't asked us for an article yet--we could write aboo the many ways humoos can be stoopid.

Maybe you can write aboo reincarnatoo and karmoo on your blog blog. We'd like to read it.

OK Bye

12:38 PM  

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