Tuesday, June 27, 2006



Allisoo - Thank you for introdoocing us to this wonderfoo site!

*much scampering about of Bears yelling BadgerBadgerBadgerBadgerBadgerBadgerBadgerBadger

And if you want to really have fun, run it in multiple windows, not in sync.

*much more scampering about of Bears yelling BadgerBadgerBadgerBadgerBadgerBadgerBadgerBadger

OK Bye

PS Yeah, thanks a lot, Allison. - Jim

Thursday, June 22, 2006

The Invisiboo Hand

Jim's science fiction short story "The Invisible Hand" is now online in the July Issue of Byzarium.

He said to tell Allisoo that it was inspired by the same experiences that inspired the Costa Rican guide post on the BuffyGuide. But this is a story, so it's fun.

OK Bye

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Noneuclidean Cafe Issue #3 is Online

The new issue of Noneuclidean Cafe just went live. Jim said he would give us caaaandy if we told you about it!

And he said he would give us an additional piece of caaaandy for every new subscriboo we could get for him. Subscriboo is free. Just send an email to


And so that we can keep track of how much caaaandy he owes us, put "Bears" in the subject line!

*much bouncing up and down of Bears*

OK Bye

Saturday, June 17, 2006


Jim saw Shakespoo in the Poo last night, with Liev Schreiboo as Macboo.

He waited for free tickets yesterdoo morning with JuliaProome from the BuffyGuide. Then, yesterdoo evening, he met up with JuliaProome and BostonWillooFan. They had a picnic dinner of French bread, an assortmoo of yuppie cheeses, organic prosciuttoo made from humanely-raised pigs, olives, potatoo salad, chocolate chip cookies and fudge. Very yummy.

Then they saw the play. Jim said it was excelloont. The staging was very interestoo, with the three Weird Sisters appearing throughout the play, not just when they had lines, but whenever there were killings, or aspects of the prophecies came true. And the ghosts of the dead--both the murdered characters and the soldiers who died in the war--came back to stand bloody and watch later events. They really staged it as a horror story, which is what it is.

If you're in the New York City area, or you're going to be visiting over the next month, during the play's run, we recommend it--four paws.

OK Bye

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

A Yuppie's Naturoo Habitoo

Jim went shopping at Whole Foo todoo, and he heard the most yuppie announcemoo ever: "Our prosciutto maker is here today. If you want to try a sample, he's set up next to the sushi bar."

*much laughing of Bears*

The naturoo habitoo of flesh-n-blood bears is the wildernoo. The naturoo habitoo of Bears is a comfy sofa with a broadband internoo connection, Jim's 'Merican 'Spress Card and lots of caaaandy. And the naturoo habitoo of Jim is the sushi bar at Whole Foo!

*much nodding of Bears*

OK Bye

PS Jim came home with quartoo pound of prosciutto and a package of brown rice sushi. They see him coming a mile awoo.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Fun with Caaaandy

Well, not quite caaandy--Mentos.

And Diet Coke.

We're making these two guys honorary Bears.

Let's watch...

OK Bye

Thursday, June 01, 2006

The finger is where?

Jim just had a short story published in Susurrus. It has something to do with a finger, apparently in a naughty place. But he won't tell us where. He said it isn't Bear appropriate.

Here is the link. But he said not to go if you prefer to maintain a Bear-like innocence.

Also, Jim just sold a poem to Wicked Karnival, which should be in print in Issue #8 in the Fall.


Jim just found out he also sold a short story to Wicked Karnival, which will be in Issue #9.

*much clapping of paws of Bears*


This is a very good day for Jim. He just went down to check the mail, and there was a check for a story he sold last month. His first check for his fictoo! We think he should buy caaaandy so we can all celebroo!

*much agreemoo of Bears*

OK Bye