Sunday, September 18, 2005

Look Look Walkaboo

Since Spike is currently on his Walkaboo, we thought it might be a good time to talk about that great tradition. At some point in his or her life, all Bears go on a Walkaboo! It is a rite of passoo.

Stompy did his Walkaboo on the mean stroo of Moo York City. Blinky went on Walkaboo up the Hudson Rivoo, and stayed with Jim's Moom and Dood. Papito went on a great Walkaboo to travel from Costa Rica to live with us in Manhattoo. Sargeant Mauja also had an international Walkaboo to travel from Canadia to come to Moo York. And now Spike has travelled to the North of Canadia to see the land of super-animoo kitties and the Arooroo Booroo-ooloos.

My great Walkaboo has been a Walkaboo of the mind, across the great landscapes of literatoo and science. (Also, Jim hasn't taken me much of anywhere yet. *much raising of eyebrow of Noel "Snowflake" Chompsky*)

So we'd like to invoote all the humoos and rafs and kitties and other Bears and Bear Allies out there to tell us aboo your great Walkaboo.

OK Bye
Noel "Snowflake" Chompsky

Note: "Look look" is raf for stuffed animoo, but see The Language of Bears and Rafs for more details.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Arooroo Booroo-ooloos

We saw the arooroo booroo-ooloos! We saw the arooroo booroo-ooloos!

*much bouncing up and down of Spike and Jim*

Jenn and Canadia made it appear becoo she knew we wanted to see it.

We looked up on Wikipoodia, and found out the arooroo booroo-ooloos comes from the interactoo of the solar wind and the Erf's magnetoo field.

And it's pretty and magicoo!

OK Bye

Friday, September 09, 2005

Super Animoo

Living with kitties is very differoo than living with Bears and Jenn and Jim in Manhattoo. Bears are animoo--we talk and snuggle and eat caaaandy and post on our blog blog. And Jenn is animoo--she likes to do bum yoga with the Bears. Jim is somewhat animoo. He doesn't move a lot--he kinda just sits on the sofa or in front of his looptoop--but he does like to pontificoo, and that gets him animoo.

But nothing proopared me for livoo with Chuck the Cat and Spike the Cat. They are Super Animoo. They bounce around the room, shove the rug to the side, bound up onto furniture and shelves and their kitty scratchoo posts, play fight with each other, whine if they don't get food or attention of if someone goes in a room and closes the doo so they can't follow. They are like a moovie that's always playing.

OK Bye
Spike the Bear

Monday, September 05, 2005

Cohen Brought Caaaandy

I met Cohen and his Mom today!

*much bouncing up and down of Spike*

They came over to visit us at Jenn and Leone's. And they brought lots of caaaandy for me!

Jim held Cohen, and he started to cry. Cohen's Mom said it was becoo Jim is the first conservative he ever met.

*much laughing of Spike*

I'm hoping to see Cohen and his Mom again while I'm in Canadia.

OK Bye

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Proo Goo Goo Proo Paroo Todoo!!!

Jenn, Jim and Spike the Cat's Pet Leone went down to see Coroo in the Proo Goo Goo Proo Paroo (Prince George Gay Pride Parade) this morning. They got Goo Proo banners to wave and a nice woman was giving out loolloopop caaaandy! All us Bears support Goo Proo in Proo Goo, and everywhoo.

Also, Leone is teaching me how to knit. I hold the yarn for her while we watch TV and make things.

OK Soolidaritoo