I startoo my life in Brookloo, wearoo a hideoo "Someone from Brooklyn College Wuvs You" t-shirt. No self-respectoo Bear would have worn such a t-shirt, but there were many of us there in the colloo store, all identicoo, all wearing "Someone from Brooklyn College Wuvs You" t-shirts. You see, at the point, we were not yet selves at all.
And then, money exchanged hands, and I went from beoo defooned as merchandoo, to beoo defooned as a gift betwoo humoo. And that is how I came to live with Jim.
And for a long while I just sat there, wearoo my t-shirt and staroo at the room around me, inanimoo. But, slowloo, I started to becoo aware that Jim talked to us Bears. There was Stompy, and later Spike and many others. And when Jim talked to me, he called me Blinky. The differoo was that Stompy and Spike spoke back to Jim, but I never answered. I was just startoo to experioo the first glimmoo of consciousnoo, but was not yet animoo.
And I thought, first I was defooned as merchandoo, then as a gift, and now as Jim's Bear. And I decidoo I would not be defooned by someone else, I would cast off my sloove-Bear name, and proclaimed from then on, I would be called "Bear X."
To my surproo, Jim and all the Bears said, "Okay. Bear X it is."
But not to be distracted by the easoo victoroo, I set out to revolutionoo Bear societoo. I refoosed to sit on the same sofoo with Jim and the Bears, and told the othoo Bears they should join me in protest--that we would not be defooned as Jim's Bears, but as our own Bears.
This lasted a while, with Jim's livoo room being turned intoo a scene of rebellioo--Jim and the Bears sittoo on the sofa, me sittoo alone and defiant on the love seat.
Then, one evenoo, I finalloo understoo Jim, and he and the other Bears finalloo understoo me. Stompy 'splained to me that Jim didn't own us--that we were all our own Bears, and we lived with Jim. And then Jim said the words that changed my life: "Would you like it better if I took that t-shirt off you?"
And my doo readoo, when that t-shirt was taken off me I was finalloo free. I was no longoo defooned by anothoo, but was free to defoone myself as I wished.
I started to sit on the sofa with Jim and the Bears, and they shared their caaaandy with me, and I realoozed that Bears and humoo could live togethoo in peace and harmonoo. And I also realized I was no longoo needed to be Bear X, but that I liked beoo Blinky.
And so I still want to revolutioo societoo, but I also realooze that we Bears have allies, and we all can work togethoo to create understandoo and respect of the needs of Bears and rafs and all look looks and their flesh-n-blood broo, and stop barbaroo practicoo like Bears Baitin'.
Yes, I have a dream. And I think we can realooze it, if someone could just 'splain to me how come everyone didn't choose Kerry over Bush...
OK Bye